
Windows 10? Four must do things before you upgrade! ( 3 before and 1 after)

I upgraded to Microsoft’s latest, slick, OS this weekend and it sure was an adventure ride. However, at the end I was able to sort out things, thanks to several windows help boards. So, here are my two cents of advise for you to do before you take the plunge.

1) Back up everything on an external media: Pretty obvious? But so many of us continue to believe in the thrill, only to find Dilbert’s law applied. This is not yet another software installation. It is an OS upgrade. Please, please take a good comprehensive back up.

2) The most important tip. Remove/uninstall any fast access finger print/ camera recognition software that you may be using, before you start the upgrade process. Or visit the website of the device manufacturer to get a software update. I will come to my recommendation for doing this at the end of point 3.

3) Get a software update of the display driver that you may be using before you commence the upgrade.

Reason for advise # 2 & 3. When I upgraded my windows 7 to 10, all seemed fine. Until it booted up one final time during the process and all I could see was a screen frantically flashing. Unable to do anything, I shut the system down and used my phone for search for solutions. Visiting various forums, I shortlisted the key findings to these two issues. For me, it was #2 that worked. And of course, since Windows 10 (apparently) does not feature a safe mode boot, getting to the control panel to uninstall that software was a challenge. And coming to my rescue was the trusted pal control- alt- del. Pressing that repeatedly when the screen flashed, I was able to finally log on. Uninstalled the face recognition software, rebooted and woohoo, was good to go!!

4) Now this one is after you upgrade to Windows 10. Disable Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO)?

Save your bandwidth. Read this great article, which is self explanatory.

Judicial Reforms..ever on agenda??

Wondering as to why talks of Judicial reforms never gain steam.. Supreme Court’s recent judgement on delay in trial being a ground for leniency in punishment, followed by the acquittal of RG killers are both disappointing..

With the our judicial system being one of the tardiest ones around, criminals would now find ever better hope of getting away with just anything.. Knowing fully well that even the first court of law would take at least a decade to pass any kind of judgement… and then, such flawed rulings would always come to their rescue..

More than 2.8 Crore cases are pending in lower courts, with an average case taking as long as 15 years to get past the first judicial layer.. This period increases much more once litigants challenge the verdict in the HC and then in the Supreme Court.

Also, pondering about the career options for many of our political class, who have scores of cases pending against them. If our system could be quick and robust enough mandating lower courts to dispose of cases within, say two years, and the High and Supreme Court , say 6 months each.. how efficient, transparent and cleaner the system would be, when an individual risking contribution to any felonious activity would have sword by his neck… Wonder if we would really need any Lokpal then.??

Well.. knowing our dynastic political class, no wonder, this may never get to be higher up on their agendas..

Where’s the due diligence??

Just like we do our due diligence and look at the track record of an individual, before we place our trust in him, isn’t it amusing that some of us are willing to gamble our nation’s future to someone who just shouts out loud?? It is no news to my friends that I do not like Arvind Kejriwal’s style of politics promoting anarchy. This certainly, is no revolution. A myopic drive, on way to lose all sheen post the general elections, very reminiscent of the VP Singh era..

While I have no allegiances to any political group, yet the fact remains that when I look at my options in terms of who would I like to see as the PM and lead my country, I really, am unable to see beyond Modi.. Those being overly critical of him or his party and have the audacity to compare him to Kejriwal and his party to the BJP, are simply unable to appreciate so many things..

1) Namo is into his fourth term, voted back with an even greater mandate each time… Is it that the 6 crore people of Gujarat are insane?? Or have they simply been voting for good, clean governance??

2) Similarly, governments in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, voted back again.. and of course unprecedented Rajasthan tally..

3) The kind of work done during Atal Bihari’s regime during 1999-2004, has been unparalleled.., whether it was India getting into the nuclear club or the tremendous amount of work done for the Highways.. (Wiki : The UPA Government on July 1, 2013 accepted before Supreme Court that NDA National Democratic Alliance Government lead by Vajpayee has developed half the roads in last 32 years in their 5 year term)..

4) @ Dipin..sorry that I saw your post late.. BJP has always advocated smaller states for better governance. In fact, Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand were all carved out during Atal Bihari’s term.. Telangana is going to be good for the region and so is Vidarbha, if that is ever taken up by the political establishment.. Of course, I am not bringing up the uniform civil code here..

5) Political Parties are based on ideologies which (should), generally, contain inclusive development, good governance, willingness to serve the people and certainly- lead the nation.. Those critical of RSS have probably never had any understanding of its core ideology of sustained, selfless service to the nation..

It is indeed sad to see intelligent, well-read people of today falling prey to politics of sensationalism, cynicism. At some point, we need to look beyond finding a conspiracy theory in every story and appreciate the fact that established stalwarts who restarted the anti-corruption crusade, Anna Hazare and Kiran Bedi, have all snapped ties with AK. In fact rewarding those went who against the law of the land and did not pay electric bills, will only institutionalize anarchy and lawlessness..
And of course, AK’s press-famous FIR against GOI and RIL regarding the gas price hike.. For once we’ve got to move away from the politics of subsidies, appeasement.. Indian Industries using gas have been importing LNG consignments costing as much as $15-18/mmbtu.. But for gas prices in the US, international LNG prices are in that range.. In the US, the prices are much lower at around $5- 6/ mmbtu, but that is because of a the gas glut they are in, on account of the Shale Gas boom.. A free market, US encouraged investments into Shale Gas exploration- a high risk, very capital intensive venture. No government has the kind of money which goes into on shore/ off shore exploration and if it is not attractive to the private sector, nobody would invest and hence there would be no gas.. Our power plants would continue to be starved of gas and stay shut, effectively depriving over 300 million people of any electricity..

Finally, cutting the long story short and probably needless to reiterate .. that future of our Nation, today, is indeed Modi.. There is no better alternative…he may not be ‘the’ solution to all our country’s woes, yet undoubtedly is the most capable person to lead our nation..

Bharat Ratna for Tendulkar??

Tendulkar should not have been conferred the ‘Bharat Ratna’, particularly at a point when he was barely done with his playing career… While he, surely has been a great sporting hero and certainly an exemplary youth icon, yet the timing of this showcases brazen political opportunism from a failed government, on its last breath-desperately struggling for ways to connect with the masses, particularly the youth. This also so much belittles the stellar contribution of the many many freedom fighters, leaders of change, industrialists the nation has had…Wonder if Sachin’s contribution to the nation has been more than or even close to that of the likes of Ratan Tata, Azim Premji, NRN Murthy…who created millions of jobs… Or even close to several national heroes who, selflessly laid down their lives during the course of the making of our nation….pity that the government chose to award Bharat Ratna to Sachin, rather than even consider declaring Bhagat Singh a martyr…,such a pity.. Bharat Ratna, would never invoke that pride…ever again