
Don’t wanna vote, sorry no rights..!!

Strongly feel that access to benefits provided by the state, including the fundamental rights, should be linked to exercise of right to vote by the citizen!! Appalling to see so many around, disregarding the importance for us to cast our votes!! For those in armed forces, living abroad or not stationed in their hometowns, Aadhar and NPR linkages should allow them to cast votes electronically!! Wish Supreme Court takes suo moto cognizance of this and makes voting mandatory to follow up on its directive to provide ‘None of the above’ option on the voting machines…

Nation’s best bet??

If Namo’s Bhopal rally is a sign of things to come, wouldn’t be surprised if NDA gets close to 300.. Mandate 2009 wasn’t won by UPA, in fact gifted to them by the opposition- marred by clash of personalities and self interests..Since that is, likely, out of the way now, a nation deprived of an inspiring leader, sees hope..Also interesting to read Karat’s comments..well indicating that there may not be any real third front! Good for the nation..Always believed that a key issue plaguing our country is the mushroom growth of regional parties and satraps resulting in continual appeasement of vote banks for petty, directionless, very short term gains- all at the cost of the Nation.. Also believe that while Congress is singularly responsible for the ‘holistic rot’ of the nation we see today- yet getting so called ‘crusaders’ like Kejriwals, who myopically talk of trashing the complete system- certainly not the solution..and would probably make it much worse.. While corruption is not a peripheral but the central issue which needs to be addressed immediately, yet focussing only on punitive action rather than addressing the breeding grounds of corruption, is a recipe to create yet another ineffective institution.. Meanwhile, Anna, while a great crusader, is NOT a leader and hence has wisely stayed away from active politics. Also a pity that our nation, has systemically, always been deprived of a selfless ‘Leader’ ‘Bose’ to lead us..and for more than half a century, we institutionalised ‘monarchy’ with the generational rule of a family… However, with NaMo, suddenly so much to look forward to for the nation now, with a leader who is inspiring, inculcates pride, has showcased ‘growth for all’ with no selective appeasement, epitomises hope and works with a vision…Not surprisingly May 2014 seems so far away..He may or may not be able to fix everything, but is certainly our Nation’s very best bet and its only hope..!

चला आया हूँ बहुत दूर ,

चला आया हूँ बहुत दूर ,
अब दो घड़ी बैठना चाहता हूँ …..
थक गया हूँ , रुक कर ,
एक भरी साँस लेना चाहता हूँ ।

है हक़ मुझे भी थकने का,
पर मेरे हौंसले , कम्बख़्त …
थकने की इजाज़त नहीं देते ।।

// सुयश

Google versions of India map!!

Been wondering for years as to why do we need to permit flights operating out of India to show POK as a separate territory on their GPS and why should any special lines dot the Arunachal region??..If you wanna operate in India, gotta follow law ( of the land….Just did a quick research on google maps. Very interestingly (and appropriately) accessing (google) maps from Google India, shows a different map (the correct one) and map for the region accessed through google china and pak, shows a different one, that with dotted lines…

Quick Look at the different maps

Anatomy of great nations..a traveler’s view..

Having traveled extensively over the course of last two decades, I have had several opportunities of looking at various nations, religions and people closely..I have tried to observe minutely the linkages to how prosperous a nation is to how happy it is and – decisive impact the citizens have on shaping their own destinies…and making their nation great..Some being:

1) National Pride

2) Innate pride in the use of National language

3) Robust Social Security Systems

4) Mostly Tax compliant society

5) Free Media